The Art Of Bathing

Nourishing Mama Mission Three ~

How have you been?  Feeling a bit more centered and relaxed?  I hope so!  A few weeks of claiming sacred time for myself and practicing conscious thoughts of gratitude upon waking have done so much for me.

This third pursuit of the Nourishing Mama Mission promises to be my favorite so far, the art of bathing.

I love baths.  I love water and how it has the power to wash away everything, absolutely everything.  Stress, dirt, illness, concerns and on and on...  One of my teacher's at herb school told us that water is very accepting and healing.  He said that when sitting by a stream you can ask the water to take away your worries, and it will.  Having tried this, I can attest that water will do this for you, even when you are in the tub.  As the water drains from the tub ask it to take away your pain, your cares and give thanks to the water.

All the Elements are present in the bath ~


Surrounding, cleansing and supporting, it is truly magical and healing.


It is Fire that heats the water and the soul.


Our plant allies become part of the bath whether in the form of herbs or essential oils, they add their special properties and healing.


A deep breath is instigated by the deep warmth of water and by the fragrance of the plants.

Breathing deeply centers and calms the spirit.


This is you, this is me, bringing ourselves to the moment.  To be healed and nourished.

V Candle

Most of the mammas I know would agree that taking time for a bath is really taking out some time for yourself.  It means a lot to close that door on the world, slip into a warm fragrant tub and rest there undisturbed.  Can you find sometime to do this for yourself?  At least once a week?  Give it a try and see how you feel.

Here is my favorite no fuss recipe for making a healing, relaxing bath ~

Fill your tub with warm to hot water and add:

  • 1 to 2 cups of relaxing Epsom salts, depending on the size of your tub
  • 6 to 10 drops of beautiful cleansing lavender essential oil

Have a big glass of cool water nearby to sip and bring a good book with you to read, if you so wish.  Get in and relax, let go and know the water will wash away anything you no longer need or want.

More essential oil blends for the bath ~

  • Awakens the brain while also providing relaxation: 4 drops each rosemary and lavender 
  • Great for easing stress and fatigue at the start of menstruation:  5 drops of clary sage and 3 of lavender
  • Soothes mental fatigue and anger, plus smells divine: 4 drops cardamom and 4 drops ylang ylang
  • For easing stress and when you need a bit of happiness: 5 drops rose geranium, 3 drops orange  & 3 drops lavender

Note:  Whenever possible add a big handful of Epsom salts to your bath which help to relax muscles and draw out toxins plus so much more, they are magical!

Look for more delicious bath recipes in the coming days.  I know it will be hard for me, but I will research and try every recipe to give us all more wonderful ways to enjoy the art of bathing.

Blessings and Love!

Bath Blends To Try: 

Minty Mint Bath

Soothing Herbal Bath For Irritated Muscles & Nerves

Rosy Oatmeal Bath

Candy Cane Bath Salts

More Nourishing Mama Mission...

Mama On A Mission ~ Introduction

Nourishing Mama Mission One ~ Cultivating Sacred Space 

Nourishing Mama Mission Two ~ Attitude of Gratitude ~ The Start of the Day

Nourishing Mama Mission Four ~ Herbal Infusions, Healthful Simplicity

Shared On:  Time For A Party!, Wildcrafting Wednesday, Wednesday Wonderings

Image Credit: Morgue File (photos 1 -5)

Attitude Of Gratitude ~ The Start Of The Day

Nourishing Mama Mission Two ~

Yes, it may be a bit cliché yet an "attitude of gratitude" really serves me.  When I am grateful for what I have, transformation in how I feel and in my thoughts is immediate.  Pretty quickly those bits of thankful feelings spread into all areas of my life and I find myself happier!

This second week of the Nourishing Mama Mission is simply to be grateful especially first thing in the morning upon waking.  Have you ever played with this?

How do you start your day?  Those moments when you first awake are special.  They set the tone for your day.  The past few months have found me waking in the morning stressed.  I would wake up with a to-do list running through my mind and guilt over what I didn't get to the day before.  Top that all off with a good dose of mommy-guilty and I was a mess by the time I got out of bed.  Recently I realized that I was using this worry and guilt to motivate myself into action.   I couldn't believe how silly I was being when the realization hit!  So the past few days when I wake I strive to instantly start thinking about all the abundance and love in my life.  After all I have a home and a wonderful family that loves me.  Letting myself really feel the beauty of all I have, I get out of bed happy and ready for a new day ripe with another chance to experience, learn and grow.  This is a habit I want to cultivate so that it becomes effortless.

So, how do you start each precious day?  Is it with grumbling thinking about all the stuff you have to get done?  Or do you embrace the moment and give a bit of thanks for another day?  A bit of gratitude first thing in the morning is a powerful act.

Gratitude anytime is powerful...

This morning as I cracked eggs into a pan ready with dark green steamed spinach, I was preoccupied with what to make for the kids lunches; whether it was time to wake up my daughter yet; and did I have time to unload the dishwasher?  The typical morning rush... As the shells cracked revealing deep yellow yolks I realized (and deeply felt) that I have healthy food to cook for my family.  Almost instantly I felt a wash of gratefulness for all that went into bringing us the beautiful food we have: the Earth and Sun working together, farmers and grocers, the money we have to buy the food and on it goes.  Next I found myself looking into the fridge and instead of seeing that I need to clean out and organize everything, I saw more abundance.  It was simple.  And, it was something that I tend to take for granted.  We all have something in our lives to be grateful for even it is something very simple and small.

Special Moments Of Gratitude...

Here are some moments during the day that I experience gratitude, if I am open and paying attention. These are moments I can later call to mind when waking in the morning that fill me up  and get me started on a path of beauty for the day.

  • Feeling love for my husband and daughters, letting it fill me up!
  • Looking into the eyes of another human being and seeing the spirit within.  
  • Taking a deep breath and feeling life-giving oxygen absorbing into my blood refreshing every part of my body instantly.
  • Holding hands with a precious child, warm tiny fingers intertwined with mine
  • Having someone really listen and hear what I am saying and being able to really listen to another.
  • Seeing the miraculous beauty in nature, even if it is just a blade of grass, a lovely flower or cloud in the sky.
  • Appreciating my body and the health I have within me.
  • The simple wonder of Being Here Manifest.

Of course there are so many ways to be grateful and experience the abundance that is all around us.  Join me for the next two weeks and cultivate the amazing skill of waking with gratitude!

Blessings and Love!

More Please...

Nourishing Mama Mission Home Page Mama On A Mission ~ Introduction

Nourishing Mama Mission One ~ Cultivating Sacred Space

Nourishing Mama Mission Three ~ The Art of Bathing

Nourishing Mama Mission Four ~ Herbal Infusions, Healthful Simplicity

Gratitude ~ Three Simple Crafts

Pondering Early Morning Wake Up Calls

Shared On:  Healthy Habits, The Sunday Parenting Party