Mama On A Mission

Back in another time, another universe, my husband and I dreamed of starting a family.  Being very much into the guidance offered by astrology, we took the time to figure out when to conceive to create certain Sun Signs.  For a while I was excited to have three daughters ~  Avena Lea the Cancer, Nettle the Scorpio and Violet the Pisces.

Well, as things worked out we didn't have three daughters, we had two instead.  And at the (kind of) last second decided to have a Capricorn.  My hubby and I are both Capricorns and we like each other so we figured, "hey, this could work out well and it will be an interesting experiment."  Then when we were planning for a second baby we decided not to rock the boat and had another Capricorn.  It has worked out great!  It is really fun to see how alike and different we all are.  Of course the only part of our charts that are the same is the Sun Sign, everything else is unique.  Occasionally we will have some stubborn goaty times in our house with everyone emotionally banging heads but usually we do great together with a kind of under current of respect and understanding. The hard part comes at this time of year, at least for me it is hard because not only is it the holidays, it is also "birthday season".  It is January now and we have had not only the holidays which are often stressful in themselves; we have also had three birthdays (four if you include our dog who was born on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn) with a sleepover this past weekend, my husband's birthday this coming Friday and one more "friend" birthday party for my seven year old coming up.  (We delayed her party with her friends for a few weeks this year.)  Well, it really is fun in a lot of ways and I do my best to make each birthday as special as possible for everyone.  Even for our dog who got a special outing on her big day.


But let's face it, all this partying makes for a tired mama.  It has been a long month.  In general I am bad at taking care of myself.  Oh sure, I have my moments here and there.  I do eat as healthy as I can and try to exercise yet as far as really taking care of myself in an authentic way, I typically fall way short.  I have found this to be typical behavior for most moms.  You know what I am talking about... mom takes care of everyone else and doesn't look after herself.  I had heard of this phenomenon going into the whole adventure of motherhood although I really didn't have a clue what it meant.  Eleven years later and I still fall short of really caring for myself.  2012 was a year of showing me what I am missing when it comes to self-care.  I learned about how by caring for myself, I am really caring for my whole family.  About how caring for myself is truly a way to give thanks for this life I have been given.  Yet, I am still figuring out what it really means to take care of me in a deep way.  And these crazy fun past few weeks have rocked the fragile foundation I had so carefully been building.

Nourishing Mama Mission

I am continuing my journey of self-care, of mama care and I would love for you to join me.  Every two weeks I plan to introduce a habit, idea or even creation to help me take care of me and you too!  I figure two weeks will be enough time to really try something out, to give it a chance while not being overwhelming.  The goal here is to nourish, uplift and inspire not to overwhelm and create more "shoulds" or "coulds".  Join me in as many of these activities as you want.  I would love to hear any ideas you have.  How do you take care of you?  What are some of the ways you would like to care for yourself?

Look forward to my first post on this adventure later this week or early next week.  I am so excited to get started and hope you will find some nourishment and inspiration here!

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19th-20th )  Generally responsible, serious and organized.  They like to hang out with older people and like old things.  Goal/project oriented with everything being a potential business.  Filled with inner determination and a desire to be good at something.  Capricorns need to cultivate flexibility and gratitude for the present moment.

More Please...

Nourishing Mama Mission One ~ Cultivating Sacred Space 

Nourishing Mama Mission Two ~ Attitude of Gratitude ~ The Start of the Day

Nourishing Mama Mission Three ~ The Art Of Bathing

Nourishing Mama Mission Four ~ Herbal Infusions, Healthful Simplicity

The Power Of Clary Sage Essential Oil

Late one cold December I gave birth to my second daughter.  Blessed to be at home with my loving husband and three amazing midwives attending my labor and delivery, the whole experience was incredibly empowering and uplifting. Towards the end of my labor I climbed into a warm bath fragrant with Clary Sage essential oil wisely placed in the bath by one of my sweet midwives.  Normally the smell of Clary Sage (latin name Salvia sclarea) is a bit much for me but at this time it smelled divine.  It came right into my birth space with ease and with in a few minutes I was climbing back out of the tub to birth my daughter.  I felt as though the Clary Sage opened a doorway.  As though it helped me come closer to my authentic self and the Spirit which was bringing this baby into the world through my body.

In the past I've used a simple inhalation of Clary Sage essential oil for effectively easing menstrual cramps.  And it always took me to a higher place during my moon.  A place where I could flow through the cramping and the door that opens during menstruation.  As women it is our gift to be able to access this place and bring back feminine knowledge.  I had forgotten about using Clary Sage in this way, I was happy for the reminder.

Clary Sage Essential Oil

  • Supports inner vision
  • Eases PMS associated with depression and emotional turmoil
  • Relieves muscular spasm associated with menstrual cramping and digestive upset.
  • Brings on menstrual flow

The name Clary is derived from the Latin word sclarea coming from the root word clarus, meaning clear.   Clarity refers to its traditional use on a physical level as a soothing eyewash.  While on an internal level it augments perception of oneself and clarity of thought, hence serving useful in meditation and for enhancing True sight.  Beneficial to the nerves, Clary Sage sedates while soothing away anxieties, depression, stress, and insomnia making it very helpful for those experiencing PMS, specifically when associated with depression.  Its action and smell can be intoxicating, bringing on states of euphoria and acting as an aphrodisiac.  Clary Sage eases pain from muscular spasms such as menstrual cramping, headaches, and stomach pains.  It also aids in relieving indigestion.  And Clary Sage stimulates the uterus, bringing on menstruation.  It helps to balance emotions while alleviating physical and mental exhaustion.

For information on lots of ways to use essential oils safely please visit my Essential Oil page in the Materia Medica.

To purchase clary sage essential oil click HERE.*

.Other essential oils that combine well with Clary Sage include: Lavender, Sandalwood   Cardamom, Rose Geranium, Cedarwood, Pine, Jasmine, Frankincense, Bergamot, as well as other citrus oils.  All of these have their own personalities, properties and use guidelines.

Important…  Essential oils are very strong and concentrated.  Some are stronger than others.  They must be used wisely. (See: Essential Oils)  It is important to dilute essential oils in either water or a carrier oil (vegetable oil such as almond or olive) before applying to the skin.  Clary Sage essential oil should not be used when one has been drinking or during pregnancy because it stimulates the uterus.

More Moon Time ~

Image Credit: The beautiful picture of clary sage is by lovely herbalist Lauren Stauber. 

* Please Note: This post contains affiliate links to Mountain Rose Herbs. Please visit my affiliate page for full disclosure.  

Shared On: The Sunday Parenting Party 

A Mother's Voice

When you talk with your mother what do you hear?  Under all the words, whatever they are, is a sound with resonance   I heard it the other day, again for the first time.  I had just called my mom and got her voice mail.  As I stood there in my kitchen listening to her speak I was struck by her voice.  I listened and realized her voice was the first voice I ever heard.  From deep in her womb, her voice connected and resonated with me.  Her voice is the voice I have known my whole existence.

What a deep amazing connection we have with our mothers.  A connection that goes back in so many ways to even before our birth.  A mother's voice cuts to the core.

Many women talk and sing to their babies during pregnancy.  We stroke and rub our bellies.  We love our babies before we ever see their face or hold their sweet little hands.   And our voices, our love, provide a bridge into the waking world.  A world we all come into innocent and impressionable.  When we arrive we are hopefully greeted with warm love and a first vision of that wonderful person who has nourished us all along, and we hear her voice.

Moon Time Raspberry Leaf, Strong Support

Each month we are blessed with a chance to change, to recreate ourselves anew giving birth to new ideas and visions, projects, attitudes and ways of being.  Sometimes this is a challenge.  Cramping and fatigue can make it hard to enjoy this time of rebirth.  Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus, spp.) gives us a stability, a strong support for a smooth moon time so that we can fully embrace the gifts available to us.  Using raspberry as part of a healthy lifestyle through the entire month nourishes our bodies and ourselves to promote this vital health.  Many herbs are wonderful allies that can be considered super foods, providing beneficial tonic actions to the body through their superior high vitamin and mineral content and raspberry is one of those herbs.  Tried and true this wonderful plant has been used for centuries by a multitude of different people for its beneficial health properties.

Raspberry leaf is most commonly known as a herb for pregnancy.  Raspberry's effectiveness for pregnant women is due to not only its high mineral content but also its ability to strengthen and tone the uterus while at the same time enabling it to relax.  These same properties benefit menstruating women.  Raspberry is a tonic plant for the uterus which helps to increase the tone of flaccid muscles in the uterus or relax overly rigid muscles, which ever action the body might need.  This is action is thought to be due to a constituent called fragarin which found in high amounts in the leaf.  The tonic action of raspberry leaf is said to regulate the action of the uterine muscle thereby aiding in the reduction of menstrual pain, particularly that which occurs at the beginning of menstruation.  Raspberry's high tannin content imparts an astringentquality which strengthens capillary beds and mucus membranes thereby helping to curb excess menstrual bleeding and mucus discharge.

Raspberry is high in vitamins and minerals providing many nutrients necessary for female health; including manganese, iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and vitamins B, C and E.   This power packed plant is helpful for building strong bones and teeth.  Raspberry also tones the digestive system and has long been used as a remedy for diarrhea especially in children.

Raspberry ~

  • strengthens and yet relaxes the uterus
  • reduces cramping, especially cramping which occurs at the beginning of menstruation
  • eases excess bleeding
  • tones the digestive system
  • cooling on a hot day
  • is high in vitamins and minerals

It is so easy to gain all of the amazing benefits from raspberry by making a simple infusion of the leaves.  Click here to read about infusions and how to make them!  Raspberry has a wonderful cooling effect on the body and is great to enjoy iced on a hot day.  You can also add other herbs to your brew to increase the nourishing tonic properties of your drink.  Nettles is high in vitamins and minerals as well as astringent.  Like raspberry it will help curb excess menstrual bleeding and provide excellent nourishment to the body.  Red clover and alfalfa have phytoestrogens which aid in hormone balance and increase overall health due to high nutrient content.  Peppermint and spearmint are both wonderful tasting, cooling to the body and again high in vitamins and minerals.  Experiment with combinations of all of the above plants to find a nutritious brew to support your health and well-being!  Click here to read about finding the best herbs to buy.

Definitions ~

  • tonic ~ encourages increased health.
  • astringent ~ creates dryness, tightening and toning in the body.
  • phytoestrogen ~ provides high quality material which assists the body in making its own estrogen.  Phytoestrogens are thought to compete with environmental estrogens for binding sites on cell membranes.

Originally published in Moon Flow magazine

At Long Last An Essential Mommy Time Out

Just Me, Myself and I

This is important.  This is something many of us forget.  This is something we need to remember for ourselves and the other people in our lives.  Each of us has a responsibility to care for ourselves.  When feeling depleted and frustrated it is hard to care for others and more over, we deserve to take care of us, to feel good and happy.  As a mom I find it so easy to forget about myself and get caught up in the everydayness of life; all the things each day that come and go pulling my attention.  It is easy to become overwhelmed and depleted at a very deep level.

Well, today it was time to take care of me!

Back Story

We had a fun and exciting holiday season topped off with four birthdays in our immediate family.  That is right four!  We are all Capricorns and have our birthdays from December 29th to January 11th.  With two little girls eager to celebrate their special day and with the excitement of Christmas, the last six weeks were a whirl wind of planning and activity.  I always try to make their birthdays a bit extra special because, let's face it, having a birthday close to Christmas and New Year can be a big bummer.  So this year, true to form, they each made special plans and we carried them out to the best of our ability.  So, for me, today really feels like the first day of the new year, like the holidays are finally over and I can get on with life.  But instead of feeling ready to go and grab the bull by the horns so to speak, I found myself feeling grouchy and tired.  Previous life experience gained from ignoring signals from my body told me that  I must stop, truly, and take sometime for just me.  Just me, myself and I.  With the kids at school and nothing immediately pressing in my day I decided to seize the morning and after a bit of ponderous deliberation settled upon a good old fashion spa day.  As a young woman I used to relish in a custom, homemade spa day for myself once a week.  Unlike in my youth when I would do hair masks and rinses and multiple different facial masks while soaking in a herbal bath, today's spa day needed to be easy while also feeling decant.  I would say that I hit upon the perfect balance because now that I am done not only does my skin feel fabulous but my soul is peaceful, my mom brain is refreshed and clear, and well, I smell really good too!

The components of a luxurious, nourishing and simple mommy spa day

For this easy and relaxing morning I chose to do a honey mask, milky salt bath, shea butter foot rub and to finish off by brushing my favorite essential oil lavender right into my hair.  Each time I move my head I am still surrounded by drifts of calming lavender being liberated from my hair.  Um....

This spa day was simple with hardly any preparation required and easy to execute.

Here is how I did it...

  • Honey Mask:  I put a spoonful of honey into a bowl then added 3 drops of helichrysum (great for skin health and encouraging fresh new skin cell growth) and 2 drops of lavender essential oil to the bowl along with a sprinkle of mild soothing kaolin clay.  While I am super lucky to have all of this in my bathroom, simple honey alone would be excellent because it is so very hydrating and nourishing for the skin.  Before getting in the bath I applied this mixture to my whole face.  It is important to put honey on dry skin as it kind of dissolves away when exposed to water.  I left this mask on for my entire bath and throughly enjoyed the scent of honey and helichrysm wafting up to my nose!   After rinsing the mask off at the end of my bath I followed up with a small amount of rose infused coconut oil from my favorite herbal apothecary Rebecca's.  This oil was dreamed up by none other than oil making goddess Rebecca.  So amazing!
  • Milky Salt  Bath:  Epsom salts always find their way into my baths nowadays but today I wanted something special.  So I filled a large glass to the brim with milk, took it into the bathroom and dumped it into the tub along with about two cups of epsom salts (this amazing salt relax muscles).  Milk bathes, reputedly used by none other than Cleopatra, hydrate and smooth skin.  Then when I got into the tub I added 8 drops of lavender and 4 drops of cedarwood (encourages a meditative mind and releases stress) essential oils and gave the water a good whooshing to mix in the oils.  Now, I admit it, I take baths pretty regularly.  I consider it one of my rights as a human being.  But this bath was special.  I think the milk really held the essential oils in suspension so that the smell from oils permeated the water for the entire length of the bath.  It was so luscious!
  • Shea Butter Foot Rub:  After my bath I got all  dry and toasty and then  I gave my feet a nice rub with some rosemary lavender shea butter that I have on my nightstand but don't use often enough.  My feet were thanking me as the dryness and tension melted away.  Then cuddly warm socks topped my feet and kept the moisture where it needed to be.
  • Lavender Hair Brushing:  Last but not least, a few drops of lavender on my brush and some kind strokes through my hair topped off this wonderful experience.  Lavender essential oil is a great conditioner for hair and the aromatic benefits of brushing essential oils into ones hair is profound because the oil is placed so close to the nose!

So here I am.  Happy and calm again.  So glad to be sharing my beautiful morning.  It always surprises me that with a little intent and attention things can readily change.  Feelings become clearer and thoughts settle.  This was a fun adventure in self care using what I had on hand so that I could really focus on me.  Now, when my kids come home from school, they will find a happier mom.  A mom who is ready to listen fully and play and cuddle with her whole self!